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Creating New Outfits With Old Pieces

So, it's true, I did go on a Primark binge a few weeks ago because I decided to throw caution to the wind and buy a few new pieces for the fall season. I've spent the last six and a half months trying not to spend any more than I needed to absolutely spend because, in truth, I don't really make that much a month in relation to the amount that I have to spend on living expenses and just general portions of my livelihood aka my measly amount of groceries that I get to ensure that I'm at least consuming something even if it isn't the full fridge and freezer of my dreams. In doing this, I also haven't really been doing anything in the clothing or makeup department in terms of new products. I've gotten a select few bits here and there, but have also collected some goodies from events which has kept my beauty splurges at bay.

I'm working with a lot of "older" pieces in my closet, things that I've had for at the very least a year, if not closer to three or four. The average amount is probably around two years old for most things in my closet, which is fine and dandy, except the fact that I get full-on ready almost every single day and have this blog that kind of requires me to switch things up a bit from time to time. I struggle from time to time with making new looks out of some of my "old" pieces in my closet but I think it's about time I start getting used to being more creative with the pieces that are already in my closet. 

Know what you have in your closet 

At all times, do you know what you have in your wardrobe? While yes, I do have a walk-in closet somehow in New York, that's the only place my clothes live. I don't have any drawers (besides for underwear, bras, socks, and pajamas). I have my jeans folded out in the open and everything else on hangers in their specific sections. I have no second hall closet that I've taken over as mine, no hidden drawers under my bed, or rolling rack with overflow pieces. This simplifies my life, but even if I did, I would try to at least keep note about what I have. This is helpful for a few different reasons. First thing, if you were for some reason shopping (which is not the point of this post but still), it helps save you from buying duplicates or at least knowing you have four different tops that could go with a specific pair of bottoms. 

However, it's super useful when it comes to trying to pair new looks together. Sometimes I will actually physically write down outfits when I'm bored and it helps me create new combinations without standing in front of my closet and pulling out hanger after hanger hoping that something will stand out to me.

Sell or donate anything that you don't wear

There's no point in keeping someting around if it's not being used. It's just going to serve as a distraction to you while you try to find the right piece to style. You can sell these pieces for a few extra bucks, hand them down to someone you know, or just donate them. Removing the clutter from your closet will make getting ready in the morning so much quicker, which if you're like me, will just give you more time to lay down in bed and drink coffee under the covers because your window is so drafty that it makes your room feel like you're outside.

Scour the internet for inspiration 

Put Instagram, Pinterest, and even Tumblr to good use! Bloggers create "how to style" posts for a reason! You can find looks with the same fundamentals in them everywhere you look, which could easily spark inspiration in your head to try something new. I copped this outfit idea from Megan Ellaby who did something similar with a blue turtleneck and holographic skirt. I don't think I would have ever paired an oversized turtleneck over this skirt. I tend to just find a slim-fitting sweater to tuck into it and call it a day. I've had this skirt for two years and this sweater for over a year and this was my first time even thinking about wearing them at the same time. Amazing things can happen when you spend your entire day on the internet (just kidding).

Try everything on, even if you think it might not work together

The beautifully annoying thing about life is that not everything works out. Even so, that doesn't mean that trying new things out is a waste of time. To the smallest degree, trying a new sweater on with a pair of pants you've had for ages could turn into a Look™. Or, it could just not look flattering or work together. Worst comes to worse, you switch into jeans for a tried and true look. An outfit not working out is certainly not the be all end all of life, especially if only your full-length mirror was the only thing that got to see the failed outfit. And trust me, I've had plenty of them, some that I've even let hte world see. Fashion is supposed to be fun and honestly, even if it's not a Look™, it's not anyone's place to say that. Fashion Police is not a real thing, guys. E! News will not hunt you down if you have a "fashion blunder," mark my words.

Play with proportions

Are you someone who likes things form-fitting? If you're like me, then you like everything and anything to be oversized so nobody knows what your body shape actually looks like. I like pairing oversized things on top (i.e. this boxy turtleneck) with something to offset it. In this case, I chose a skirt that has a little dimension to it because of the faux wrap detail as well as the leather fabric which keeps it fairly slim, as opposed to a skater skirt or more full skirt. On the other hand, if I were wearing a pair of wide-legged culottes, I might choose to wear a more slimming top to let the bottoms do the talking. You can obviously mixed oversized with oversized if you want to as well, the world is your oyster, my people.

Mix up prints and colors

It's 2018, don't be afraid to mix prints and colors. I have a printed sweater and a pair of striped culottes that I've traditionally worn separately. But, again, I saw Megan Ellaby with mixed prints and I wanted to mix prints and thus a new outfit was born! Experimenting with your current closet when it's not constantly being updated with new-ins from Zara requires a bit of hit or miss combinations. But in the end who knows, you might come up with a bomb-ass outfit!

Sweater: H&M
Skirt: 1 State
Shoes: Public Desire via ASOS
Bag: Rebecca Minkoff via Cleveland Consignment Shoppe
Sunglasses: Forever21


  1. These are really great tips! I love using my old pieces to create new looks.
    xoxo Carolyn @

    1. It really softens the blow on the bank account, hehehe.

  2. Love these tips! I really need to not spend money on clothes right now, so reusing older pieces it is.

  3. These are such good tips! I love looking through my closet to see if I have pieces I could style differently. Some of my favorite outfits come from randomly mixing it up with old favorites.

    xoxo, Cecilia //

    1. Same! You never know if something works until you try it together!

  4. Love this outfit! I also wouldn't have thought of pairing an oversized sweater and a skirt but it looks great! I agree, great things happen when you spend your whole day on the internet haha

    Lauren |

    1. HAHAHAH, good things can come from being on the internet for too long sometimes!

  5. I always do this! And those booties are so cool!


    1. Thank you! They're a favorite of mine, I just wish they were a biiiiiit easier to walk in lol.

  6. Mixing up prints, colors, and textures has every outlet to revamp your wardrobe. If you can dare to try new styles you;ve just 180'd your wardrobe without spending a DIME!
    Jordan |

  7. Beach couture has come of age – and hence, terry cloth skirts from Birdwell. Superior in every way – style, durability, fashion and comfort. Whether on the beach or at the mall – this skirt ensures that you stand out for style and comfort. Full style and total comfort for you! Rush out and get some for your closet today!

  8. Don't forget to check out this alluring collection of Womens Bodysuits- casual yet stylish!

  9. There's nothing better than a few warm pyjamas womens in this holiday season!


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