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Dream Closet, Vol. 16

Damn Franiel, back at it again with a dream closet. You can't keep me away from scouring Net-a-Porter, you just can't. I refuse to step away from the site that provides me the most glorious combination of joy and sadness, injects me with the same amount of drive and FOMO, and makes me salivate all at the same time. I'm not at all interested in eating the silky or cotton-y garments, though I think with that desire, I might be able to land myself a regular spot on Dr. Phil and perhaps I'd have enough money to buy one of these items...I digress, looking at pretty things like designer clothes and Harry Styles just makes my mouth water in the least hungry was possible. 

This month I'm dreaming of flowing gowns, princess-like headbands with feathers? Never say never. Not exactly the most appropriate for rainy spring days, but how fun would those be, huh?


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