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How I Prepare for the Weekend Before Finals

1. Bake sugar chai cookies with a friend

1b. ....but not after we go to Target for Starbucks, some last minute finals week snacks, and soft pretzels.

2. Outline final assignments without actually starting them so I can trick myself into thinking I'm being productive, when in reality I've written out the bare minimum of a project base.

3. Read the first chapter of Wild

4. Take a mental break because the first chapter of Wild absolutely gutted me

5. Do a load of laundry despite the high probability that I will wear the same pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt the entire weekend

6. Catch up on Vlogmas

7. Continuously wish that I had Zoe [Sugg] and Alfie's [Deyes] new pug, Nala.

8. Make a Christmas list of things that I do not actually need

9. Remind myself that I have to get my life together and write approximately 2,000 words in Spanish before Tuesday for two separate projects

9b. Also remind myself that I don't know Spanish as well as I think I do and should probably actually study for the final exam as well

10. Cry, a lot

How do you prepare yourself for finals week?


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