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Welcoming Gigi to the 304 Family

As you might know from last year, we had a cat (and then two) in our apartment. Unfortunately, we had some issues with said kittens and they somehow ended up at my old roommate's house rather than living with us at the apartment. That's another story for another time, but basically, we've been wanting a cat since last December and just haven't been able to find a good situation for us. We considered signing up to be a foster spot for cats, as long term cat owning isn't something we can commit to as graduating college students.

Alas, some wonderful force in this world was on our side and blessed us with an opportunity to keep this cat (a kitten, nonetheless) through May when we move out as a long-term "foster project." We got her on Sunday and I'm speaking for my three roommates and I when I say this, but she is perfect. She warmed up to us and the apartment so fast and as I started this blog post today, she was laying on my lap and playing with the cord to my headphones. Currently, she is napping on the chair in front of me and is seeming to enjoy the sunlight in our living room.

Life is far less lonely with an animal. Senior year seemed to be the perfect time for us to reintroduce a cat into our lives. She's cute, she's cuddly, she's the source of all of our fawning.

This is Gigi. She's a sweet angel princess and I'm so excited to be her temporary co-mommy!!! Not featured is the pink glittery collar we got her that she seems to hate. We'll see if she grows fond of it over time.


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