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Good Reads

1. Another 50 Creative Blog Posts Ideas Just incase you're struggling with a bit of inspiration!

2. January Favorites One of my favorite type of Youtube videos to watch are favorites videos, so monthly favorites on blogs are automatically a fave!

3. Life Lessons According to Spring 16 Men's Fashion Week Street Style I am absolutely fascinated by men's fashion, so here's to men's street style!

4. Faux Fur Oh look, my favorite winter trend! Faux fur is slaying me this year and I am 100% here for it.

5. 8 Things We're Coveting From Target I love much...I'm not crying, you're crying.

6. Grace Coddington to Step Down as Creative Director at Vogue New fashion news alert! New fashion news alert!

7. The Chatroom: Charlotte Tilbury I want Charlotte Tilbury products ASAP. Soon, self, soon...

8. Oh Boy Episode 19: Alexa Chung Alexa Chung is the ultimate babe.

9. Goals: How to Become a Winter Morning Person Man Repeller articles never fail to amuse me.

10. Goals for the Year Definitely want to add a few of these to my list...

What have you been reading lately? 


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